Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Choosing A Contractor

Whether choosing a builder or a subcontractor, a couple general rules apply:

1. Are they known? For example, are they listed in the phone book? Seriously, in this age, some are not — so how would you find them when you need them?

2. Will they freely give you references? Let me park on this one for a bit.

When building, I kept a handful of my best clients available as referrals. But what about the ones the builder would not want you talking with? How do you uncover some of those references to balance the “nice” ones you are getting from the builder?

If you have been watching the area for some time, you will have noticed other homes the builder has just completed. If someone has moved in, it may be well worth your while to knock on the door and introduce yourself as a potential neighbour. What you learn could save you a lot of money and give you insights into the builder you may not get any other way.

It’s old-fashioned, shoe-leather work, but think about it. You might even feel uncomfortable walking up to a stranger’s house, but most folks are happy to help out and will give you tips that will make the effort worth it.

Believe me, you will want this information in your hands when you go to negotiate for your home. And if all the referrals are bad or hard to get, maybe it’s time to dump this builder and find someone else.

Don’t forget to join the community of GLG (our “tribe”) where you can meet up with lots of your peers who have built, will build, or know a friend who built. We all have lots of stories to share.

1 comment:

  1. Actually, I've used this post as my guide on finding home contractor and I've got a very cheap yet professional home contractor for doing my project in my home. Thank you for sharing this.

